Fiorenza Gamba, PhD in Philosophy (Sorbonne-Paris 4-University) and Sociology (University of Torino), holds a HDR in Sociology and Anthropology from the University of Strasbourg. She is a researcher at the IRS (Institute of Sociological Research) of the University of Geneva and is associate professor in Sociology of Culture and Communication at the Disea of the University of Sassari.
Her research, situated between sociology, anthropology and communication, is focused on three areas:
- Digital Death: Contemporary representations of death and immortality, including mourning, digital commemoration rituals and their ethical issues;
- Digital Lives: the social effects of digital technologies;
- Urban and Mobilities Studies: city and mobility; city and creativity; urban rituals; imaginary cities.
Image, memory and the body are also part of her research field.
Co-founder of the CR38 Socio-anthropology of Politics of the AISLF and of the Sociologia dell’immaginario section of the AIS; member of the Observatory of Human Communication and of the Transmediterranean Communication Research Network. She is also a member of the editorial board of the journal Études sur la mort.